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 +====== Cygwin ======
 +===== Getting the Cygwin Installer =====
 +The Cygwin installer executable is available at [[|]]. You will need it again later on, as it is also the package manager for Cygwin. So make sure you save it (instead of just executing it this once).
 +===== Spaces in Path =====
 +Cygwin does not play well when installed in a path that contains spaces. In this context, be aware that not all Windows paths are equal; e.g. the German "C:\Programme" is actually an alias for "C:\Program Files" (which contains a space). Ideally (if you have the necessary permissions), install to "C:\Cygwin" to avoid any problems.
 +===== First Install =====
 +For the first installation, do not make any package selections. I have experienced problems with too heavily customized package selections for the initial installation in the past. Just go with the default package selection (but //do// select a mirror close to you as package source).
 +This will not include any X11 functionality yet. We will fix that in a later step.
 +===== Home Path =====
 +Once you are done with the installation, and **before** you start the Cygwin shell the first time, adjust your home path.
 +By default Cygwin will create your user's home directory in ''<InstallPath>/home/<UserName>''. But it is much more convenient to work from your ''%USERPROFILE%'' directory -- you know, where //Windows// already created your directories for Documents, Pictures, Videos, Downloads etc.
 +To change the home location, navigate to ''<InstallPath>/etc/'' and open the file ''nsswitch.conf'' in your favorite text editor. Among other things, you will find this line:
 +''# db_home:  /home/%U''
 +Change it to:
 +''db_home:  /%H''
 +Save the file, and from now on your Cygwin ''$HOME'' will be your Windows ''%USERPROFILE%''.
 +===== Startup Files =====
 +Cygwin would usually provide a set of startup files when setting up a new user directory, copying the files in ''/etc/skel/''. This, however, is only done if the directory itself did not already exist -- i.e., when setting the home path as in the previous section, you will not have those skeleton files. You should copy them yourself:
 +''cp /etc/skel/.[a-z]* ~''
 +They do not do much, but contain a lot of useful tips and documentation. You are urged to look through those files to get an idea of what they could do for you.
 +While the files in ''/etc/skel/'' might be updated by Cygwin, the copies in your home directory are yours alone and will not be touched by the system.
 +===== Invocation =====
 +When a new bash login shell is started (see below for the meaning of "login shell"), it sources setup files in the following order:
 +  * ''/etc/profile'' -- which sets up certain Cygwin specifics and therefore looks a bit different than your average Linux ''/etc/profile''
 +  * The **first** of
 +    * ''~/.bash_profile'' (which, when you use the one from ''/etc/skel/'', will source ''~/.bashrc'')
 +    * ''~/.bash_login''
 +    * ''~/.profile'' (which is also sourced if some other shell than bash is started)
 +If a non-login shell is started, it loads ''~/.bashrc''.
 +===== Setting up Setup =====
 +Installing additional Cygwin software is done by starting the installer executable again. My recommendation is to move ''setup-x86_64.exe'' to your Cygwin directory, and creating an alias for easy access. The best place to set up aliases would be ''~/.bashrc'' -- unless you would like to uncomment the part in ''~/.bashrc'' that sources ''~/.bash_aliases'' and use //that// file for that alias:
 +''alias setup=/cygdrive/c/<InstallPath>/setup-x86_64.exe''
 +===== X11 Basics =====
 +Start a new shell, or source the file that sets the ''setup'' alias (see above). Then call ''setup'' to bring up the Cygwin package manager.
 +Now we will install the packages ''xinit'' and ''xorg-server'', which provide basic X11 support for Cygwin, and ''alacarte'', which will allow customization of the XDG menu provided by Cygwin/X.
 +After installation, you will find in your start menu the group "Cygwin-X", and in it the shortcut "XWin Server". Copy this shortcut to ''%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup'' to have X11 start automatically for your user. Copy the shortcut to ''%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp'' to have X11 start automatically for **every** user on your machine.
 +If you want some special keyboard setup, call up the properties of the shortcut, and add the necessary options -- in my case, I added ''-xkbmodel pc105 -xkblayout us -xkbvariant altgr-intl''.
 +===== Recommended Packages =====
 +  * alacarte
 +  * vim, gvim
 +  * ctags
 +  * openssh
 +  * perl
 +  * git, gitk
 +  * curl
 +  * cmake, make, ninja
 +  * dos2unix
 +  * unzip
 +  * rcs
 +  * bash-completion, chere
 +  * gnome-terminal
 +  * dialog, zenity
 +  * dia, dia-shapes
 +  * shutdown
 +  * audacity
software/cygwin.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/02 12:48 by

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