====== SSTR() ======
**Note:** The C++11 construct ''std::to_string( x )'' is more efficient than this. See end of article for perfomance comparisons.
===== Preface =====
Quite frequently, a C++ coder will face the issue of turning some value or object into its string representation (usually for output of some kind). Conveniently, when you want to write to terminal or a file, this can be done quite easily using the commonplace ''operator<<()'' syntax:
int i = 42;
std::cout << "The value of i is " << i << "\n";
Things get a //bit// more difficult when you want to get the result as a ''std::string'' (for example, as parameter to an exception constructor):
std::ostringstream s;
s << "The value of i is " << i;
std::string output = s.str();
There are several footholes to be aware of, and anyway writing up those lines over and over again can become quite tedious. Thus, I present to thee:
===== The SSTR() macro =====
By no means an invention of myself, I first came across this construct in 2002. Since then, it has followed me to whatever C++ code I was working upon. Without further ado:
#define SSTR( x ) static_cast< std::ostringstream & >( std::ostringstream() << std::dec << x ).str()
* ''std::ostringstream()''
Creating an anonymous ostringstream object with which we will construct the string.
* ''<< std::dec''
Setting the integer output format to "decimal" looks like a non-op since decimal is the default anyway. However, it has the effect of returning not the original ''ostringstream'' object, but a reference to ''ostream''. This is important if the first data element given to the macro is a pointer (e.g. a C-style string): If we would use the ''ostringstream'' object directly, function lookup would use [[http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_ostream/operator_ltlt | ostream::operator<<( void * )]] in this case (giving us a boolean value) instead of the global [[http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_ostream/operator_ltlt2 | operator<<( ostream &, char const * )]] we want (giving us a string output).
Other versions of this macro that I came across in the 'net use the non-op construct ''std::ostringstream().seekp( 0, std::ios_base::cur )'' to get at that ''ostream &'' return value. However, that construct is known to break on Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, and possibly some others, whereas the ''std::dec'' trick worked on any platform I have been working on so far, including Solaris and AIX.
* ''<< x''
...passes the macro parameter(s) verbatim. This could be a single data value, or any number of values daisy-chained with more ''operator<<()''.
* ''static_cast< std::ostringstream & >( ... )''
We turned our ''ostringstream'' object into a ''ostream'' reference, and "piped" all our output to it. Now we want to extract the accumulated string from the object; but the member function ''str()'' that would do this for us is not defined for ''ostream'', only for ''ostringstream''. So we cast our ostream reference back to the correct type...
* ''().str()''
...and extract the string.
===== Performance =====
[[http://stackoverflow.com/a/32609239/60281 | Nikos Athanasiou]] on StackOverflow benchmarked this construct in comparison to the more traditional ''Stringify( T const & value )'' template function (also using ''std::stringstream''), Boost ''lexical_cast<>'', and C++11 ''to_string()'':
lexical_cast() ... 125
to_string() .............. 250
SSTR .................... 1003
Stringify() ............. 1229
===== Usage =====
int i = 42;
std::string s1 = SSTR( i );
std::string s2 = SSTR( "Value of i is: " << i );
std::string s3 = SSTR( i << " is the answer to the universe, life, and everything." );